
Thursday, June 21, 2018


In todays's session, I learnt about "Multi-Modal", I really liked that it could be used in many ways to engage learners. What I take away from the session is that it is our job to sell the lesson to the learners the same way a business owner would sell a brand of Nike shoes. How can we expect our learners to learn or change if we do not make interesting or inviting??. In particular, Mrs Burt mentioned something about changing our view/attitude on what's "Compulsory" and focusing more on how we can make learning more engaging for the students. Focusing on the "Hook" because if their interested and invested in the learning "Behavior"  won't be an issue. I think Mrs Burt is right, it happened yesterday with my year 11 class. We did a "Muscle Competition" and ended it with a game of "Kahoot it". They were super excited about beating others in the class, they got very rowdy so I stopped and waited for them to settle-down. It worked like a treat, they settled down (not a class norm) because they really wanted to carry on and I think the element of competition helped. For example, whoever is the smartest in the class gets bragging rights (Hook) etc.

Notes for me:
  • Engagement-Enthusiastic teachers/Storytellers-The way you sell the lesson!
  • Hooking the kids in/Motivating them to learn
  • Deepen understanding & hook them in (Brains & behavior engagement)
  • Cannot teach them anything without behavior change.
  • Using tech to assist literacy and change behavior
  • I can’t just present a text and not acknowledge that others need to learn it in different ways. E.G. videos, recording it, through doing, singing & writing.


  1. Good to see you applying what we are learning in to your workplace, i'd be interested to hear how to play "Kahoot it". Also it is an awesome point you made that there are different ways to learn and present things eg. video, recordings, singing, writing etc

    1. Thanks man, I'll show you in class when we have time. It's pretty easy and fun for students as well. I used someone else's quiz they created online and molded to how I wanted it. I created a Kahoot it quiz on "who is that hip hop artists/celebrity". I used it while I relieved classes last year and usually use it as an incentive. You can put youtube vids in, questions, pics & time limits on certain questions.
