
Monday, November 26, 2018

Students work on Tobacco

Kia ora! and welcome, 10TSP have been learning about drugs and alcohol and today they learnt about the effects tobacco have on their well-being. Would be lovely if you could leave them a message.

Pauline Ott-Link
Jordan Kirk-Link

Monday 23rd April 2018-L1 PE Internal Evaluation-Lennyx

Below is a snippet of Lennyx’s thoughts as he learns to be more considerate of others participation and himself.
“I could increase my future participation in this activity or others by:
I think that my own participation was good, but some of my teammates were not eager to participate. I think that I could have raised their participation by passing the ball to them more. By doing this I think they would have felt like playing more and the activity wouldn't have been as boring for them” (Lennyx XXX Y11).
Made me think, how do I create more “learning moments” with the students at the centre of it all.

  1. Video record
  2. Half-time discussions
  3. Student share feedback
  4. Asking the right questions
  5. Send videos of the game they are going to play-
    1. Q: How will improve your play
    2. Or increase others participation?

Saturday 21st April 2018 Students assessment-”Student A”-L1 Internal Reflection

“Student A” had started the year of really well and recently towards the end of the year noticed she had not been attending school in general. There was a reason why she was not coming to school and when she was present in class she was not herself. At first, I was annoyed at her lack of participation in games when she was present but took a step back and thought it was out of character for her. Instead of growling, I asked “Student A” why she was not participating and she replied “I do not feel like it”. Again instead of getting annoyed, I exchanged a few honest words with her and said “ Student A” you have done so well this term and I don’t know what is happening at the moment  but I hope you continue to come to class and that you are ok”. The picture above is a small snippet of how it may have played apart in influencing her to participate in the game. It was humbling to see and shows how much of an impact “Teachers” can have on students.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Appraisal Meeting 3

Meet with Brenton (HOD), completed parts of appraisal, and figured out an awesome way to get things done. In reflection, splitting it into 4 different parts has helped with prioritizing what needs to be done right now and what can be done later. Will continue to use it more in the future and appreciate the knowledge being passed from all colleagues in the HPE Department. If you have a difficult time rearranging/prioritizing things, I recommend trying this out.

  • Do now
  • Do later
  • Do last
  • Don’t do 

Term 3-Observation-Water Safety Intro

Mentor: Cheryl Harvey  and PCT Kalesha 17 August 2018

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Year 9-Health

Term 3(13/09/2018)-Health Friendships
Students are learning about 3 types of communication, assertive, passive and aggressive communication. Students learnt to identify the three types of communication by watching video clips and describing the non-verbal and verbal communication and posting it on the board. Today students, got to the part of where they needed to start use the DESC model. I explained the importance of learning to be assertive especially when you leave to get a job and how to express yourself and honestly but respectful of yourself and others. They were not as engaged working in groups and think that I should have shared it to each student individually. Especially with 9ttu, they love working together but when it comes to written work they like do it themselves as they take pride in completing tasks by themselves. Had another student from 9rmz ask what they are not doing any work on laptops and replied it's because last term all work we completed was on the laptop it's nice to do things practically and discuss it with the class.

Water Safety PD

On Tuesday 12th of September, we were run through a water safety lesson. Basically, the theory will be taught throughout term 4 and then in the last two weeks of the term it will be practical so putting all the knowledge they have learnt to action. Water safety is relevant to Tamaki College because most of our kids are not confident swimmers so building their confidence in the water is important and key to developing basic life skills such as learning how to be safe in the water. Maori and PI's have the highest rate of drowning and more specifically men because they lack basic water safety skills and have that "she'll be right attitude". In order, to change those statistics and attitudes of our youth it needs to start in school because where else will our students get this opportunity to learn it.

Key points:

  • Life Jacket-Size and Fastening Buckles (Fingers should not be able to fit in)/Collar should not pass the ear.
  • Proper Side Entry into pool
    • Get out of pool (Without ladder)
  • Breast stroke to the middle of the pool (Get out of pool)
  • Stride Entry (one leg front/one leg at the back bent/ both arms out to the side)
    • Take life jacket off & re-enter pool (stride entry)
  • Swim on your side to the other end of pool, keeping shoulders hands & feet under water to keep your body warm
  • Swim on your backs (breast stroke style) back to the middle.
  • HELP Position-Staying warm & conserving energy in a survival situation, legs bent at knee/crossed at ankles, hips bent at 45 degree angle & arms crossed with hands under armpits.
  • Huddle-Staying together is important in keeping each other alive, for warmth and survival. Huddling close together, heating the water up in the middle, challenge is to swap who is injured into the middle to keep them warm without letting any heat out. Consequence for one trying to leave on their own-die from Hypothermia.
  • Identifying RIP, stay calm and allow it to take you out and swim diagonally back to shore.
    • Create a current in water, ask students to try swim away from it. Question: Happened when you tried to swim against the current? (Tired/Too strong/Gave up) What could you do next time?
  • See if you can float in water? T position or STAR position if you are sinker you may need to use your arm a little to scull to keep you afloat. Treading can used if arms get tired but your more likely to get exhausted from treading rather than floating and sculling.
    • If your boat capsizes or you have been drawn out to sea, what could you do?
    • Why is floating an important skill?
Overall, I think water safety skills are taken for granted and are essential for our younger people to learn especially if we want to reduce the number of our Maori and Pacific Islander people drowning. It starts at school, Tamaki College! Thanks D & Niki for an eye-opening experience, something the school will surely benefit from. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

10RTE Tongan Language Week

Malo lelei, Talofa lava & Fakalofa lahi atu,

Last week we were blessed with the opportunity to learn a bit about the Tongan Culture. My health class 10rte are majority Tongan and love and embrace the richness of their traditions. During period 6, I allowed time for students to share their culture with the rest of the class by singing a Tongan Hymn. There many amazing things I have learnt about the Tongan culture but the main things that stood out for me was the theme of 'service to their country/people'. Meaning, they unconditionally offer and serve their country and their people out of love. A quote presented in briefing was "To be small but appear nevertheless" means to give what you can no matter how small it maybe. You may think you may not have a lot to offer but whatever contribution you give is appreciated and is better than nothing.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Last Session of Manaiakalani

Today is our last session with the Manaiakalani Program, and I have thoroughly enjoyed our DFI sessions as I have learnt a lot and have met some awesome people along the way. If I think back to when I first started I was shy and a tad closed minded but as the journey went on my confidence grew and so did the many possibilities of using technology to enhance student learning. Before, I leave there are few things I need to re-learn or work on in my own time. Firstly, everything and anything to do with google sheets, can learn that in my own time. Secondly, how to create youtube playlists and upload to different places such as google sites. Thridly, how to copy and paste content from google word doc to my blog and ensuring that it stays within the grid of the post. Lastly, I will sit the google exams test so I can see how much I have learnt and plus it will look good on my registration.

Thanks Dorothy and Gerard for your time and knowledge, have definitely learnt heaps within the 9 weeks. I have completed my 9 blogs!!! :) Yaaaay! Can I have my badge now.


5 mins later, me and Jo asked Gerard to help us out with google sheets and youtube playlist. With google sheets, I re-learnt to how to move data. For example, either cutting and pasting or highlighting a row clicking and dragging ad it will re-adjust itself and creating graphs. Youtube, I re-learnt how to create one, send a play lists via links and embed the video to my blog.


Today Sharon, showed me how to use Screencastify step by step. I don't need to download an extension as it comes with hapara. The Screencastify icon is a red arrow with a picture of a video camera on it. It was right underneath my nose the whole time and I had no idea. I clicked on the button signed in as an educator, and accepted the terms and conditions. I like that I  can choose whether I record the browser tab, desktop screen or use my webcam to deliver instructions. You have the choice of voice recording or video recording yourself delivering instructions or content. It is a better way of delivering information especially if you cannot be present in class, the students will no longer be able to use it as an excuse. Screencastify can be applied to an assessment my year 11's are currently undergoing. For AS1.2 Anatomy, Biomechanics & Exercise Physiology, students are to complete the written part in preparation for their verbal assessment. Students are verbally assessed to see what knowledge they have learnt, written part supports it. Back to the point, Screencastify could be used by students to practice verbally explaining things they have learnt and replay it over and over again.

I decided to have go at Screencastify and I really enjoyed, how fast it was to set-up and start delivering instructions and content and share the link.
Here is the link of me doodling around on it-Screencastify

A cool management strategy:
Sharon shared an awesome tip with me and I can’t wait to use it in class. I can reset students passwords, if they are off task and mucking around to teach them a lesson. They will not able to access anything until the teacher is finished helping other students who were on task. Reset password, students complains, direct them to the board with 6 things they need to complete before they can be seen by the teacher. Aware that this can have a negative impact where they just sit there and do nothing but if they are off task in the first place they might as well be exited out the site they were on. It’s not acceptable to be playing fortnite during class, if they have not completed their work.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Session 6-Managing my work flow

In session 6, I missed the opportunity to explore Boomerang, Google Calendar & Google Hangout with my DFI class due to conferences held on Friday. I had to do a little catch-up, and quickly found the Boomerang extension & Google Calendar extension interesting. 

I thought Boomerang was a useful tool, that allows us to write an email now & schedule it to be sent at certain time automatically. So the advantage of that, is that we don’t have to rely on our memory to remind us to send the letter later on. We can write it up and press the send button and it will be sent later on. The best part about boomerang, is that you can use it to take important emails out and choose later when needed. So it is ideal for a person who is very forgetful and needs to reminded it allows them to be somewhat organised and look forward to trying it out. 

Advantages of using google calendar is that you can make multiple calendars for different parts of your life (Social/Work) and you can tailor it to how you would like it to be viewed. It can be used as a timetable for students so that they know what classes they have, where & when or change the place just before the bell goes so that they know where they now need to go. I have not got to that level yet but I have uploaded each classes timetable on to my site. Boomerang & Google Calendar have a lot of advantages it’s now just a matter of applying into my everyday life to make things more easier.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

How to Download Google Keep

Today, we were asked to create instructions on how to use one of the apps that captured our attention. However, if you are like and don't even know how to download to Google Keep. This slide will show you how to do it, then the rest is up to you. I hope you enjoy exploring it as much as I did, if you get stuck there is button labeled 'Tips'. It is actually a link to the word but you couldn't tell right. Click on it, read through and follow instructions. Share your thoughts, do you like it? why or why not?

Manaiakalani Notes 10/8/2018

In my notes, what I found really important and informative was the cybersmart section because it shone a light on areas I need work on within our Y9-Cybersmart Unit. Maintaining consistency with the manaiakalani cybersmart themes that were done at primary/intermediate level and connecting it with our college unit but it also must have HAUORA weaved right throughout the unit. Keeping themes consistent and positive are important in ensuring that students are better equipped in responding in a positive manner. Rather than, a negative content (scenarios) , I did not really see the lessons as negative because the main focus was on how students respond to them. For example, what appropriate strategies could they use to combat being bullied, being the bully and being a bystander. Cyberbully is a glorifying word and should not be used in anyway, basically a BULLY is a BULLY and no matter what object (device/weapon) you have if your using it in to intentionally hurt someone you are a BULLY!! In reflection, I did focus too much on the consequences rather than positive prevention. Prevention, what I mean is that by focusing on positive actions (responses) in dealing with bullies by collecting evidence and sharing it with many trustworthy adults as possible.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Working on our sites

As a class we critique each others sites-The purpose was to up-skill and improve our sites because
sometimes we cannot see what needs to be worked on. Important to be professional and practice giving and
receiving feedback-It can be daunting and something I used to dislike but am getting used to-It is important
because it has a big impact on future students.

The three things I have to work on are creating buttons/links, access of content needs to be public and
finding out how I can upload a video clip of my class to my site. To do- Download Google Drive, because
it allows me to go into a folder select photos and videos and upload straight from my phone. Minus-Is that
I lost my debit card but quickly learnt that I can use a prezi card or i-tunes to download apps that are free.
Thanks for the tip Gerard, that was the most frustrating part for me was not being able to upload it to my site.

Thanks Lee Ann for the tip, it really helped and it is not as time consuming as I thought it would be. I actually killed three birds with one stone and it was with the help of my peers in my class. I find out I need to make most of the content visible to the public not just Tamaki College. Secondly, I revised over how to make buttons/links on my site, have not made any changes yet but it will be done!!

  • Google Keep-Take a photo of a script/info and it will transfer to google word.
The highlight of my day was this treasure, I learnt how useful this app could be and especially because I can be so forgetful. I like how I can use it for my to-do list or shopping list or setting up work for students. Best part is that it can be used like a library :))

Have a good weekend folks!! See you next week, I'm out!!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Trailblazers workshop

In today's session, what I found interesting is the fact that New Zealand has the most relaxed laws in regards to testing new flying technology. Such as flying cars and it will Omgi-Tech that will be hosting this awesome event. We played a game that exercised our moral judgement in relation to auto-pilot vehicles and realized that a lot more safer then an actual human-being driving a car because they are programmed to pick up things a lot faster "wowee".  On a serious note, it has been said that it will decrease the amount of deaths, accidents and assist with family chores. I see the advantages of this but couldn't help thinking that it is just pure laziness and what sort of impact is this could have our future tamariki. Probably way off topic but that's what I found interesting.

Creating 3-D Shapes

Creating 3-D shapes definitely sparked an interest so much so I've asked CNC kits if it's possible of creating 3-D shapes of skeletons and muscles. Something the kids, could be more hands on with and visually see what parts (muscles/bones/joints) go where. These were the sites that were suggested to me: or to find skeleton or muscle templates that are of course copyright friendly. Sadly, I realize that it can be quite costly and something the school could probably do well without but it is an awesome hands-on resource that kids at Tamaki College could definitely benefit from. Anyway, back to our DFI session below is what I created today :)

Thursday, June 21, 2018


In todays's session, I learnt about "Multi-Modal", I really liked that it could be used in many ways to engage learners. What I take away from the session is that it is our job to sell the lesson to the learners the same way a business owner would sell a brand of Nike shoes. How can we expect our learners to learn or change if we do not make interesting or inviting??. In particular, Mrs Burt mentioned something about changing our view/attitude on what's "Compulsory" and focusing more on how we can make learning more engaging for the students. Focusing on the "Hook" because if their interested and invested in the learning "Behavior"  won't be an issue. I think Mrs Burt is right, it happened yesterday with my year 11 class. We did a "Muscle Competition" and ended it with a game of "Kahoot it". They were super excited about beating others in the class, they got very rowdy so I stopped and waited for them to settle-down. It worked like a treat, they settled down (not a class norm) because they really wanted to carry on and I think the element of competition helped. For example, whoever is the smartest in the class gets bragging rights (Hook) etc.

Notes for me:
  • Engagement-Enthusiastic teachers/Storytellers-The way you sell the lesson!
  • Hooking the kids in/Motivating them to learn
  • Deepen understanding & hook them in (Brains & behavior engagement)
  • Cannot teach them anything without behavior change.
  • Using tech to assist literacy and change behavior
  • I can’t just present a text and not acknowledge that others need to learn it in different ways. E.G. videos, recording it, through doing, singing & writing.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

My Creations :)

I learnt how to create an infographic on google drawing and is something that I will definitely use in health classes. For google slides, new students could use it to introduce themselves to the rest of their peers. Google animations, I think I could possibly use it for pe and more specifically maybe 'joint movements' but feel it could be quite time consuming. It was suggested that I give it to student as homework to support their learning outside of the classroom. Below are some of the things I created on different digital g-sweet apps:

Pepeha Google Drawings-Infographic Animation

Thursday, June 7, 2018

What I created today!

Google Survey

Introduce yourself

  • Learnt to link questions to different sections
  • Learnt to switch on the "Required button"

Google Maps

Google sheets

What I want to go over next session "Filters" on google sheet. Last week, I was hesitant to post but this week I have posted on two students blogs and shortly will be attempting to comment "professionally" on other teachers blogs.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Manaiakalani Program- Session 1/2018

Things I learnt today:

  • Manaiakalani Notes
  • What stood out for me "Learn, CREATE & Share"
  • Organisation of folders
  • Step by step "Online digital routine for students in class"
  • Table contents-Title/Heading 1,2 & 3 (What each section is about).
  • Voice Type-Removes barriers for students who have difficulty writing but need to pronounce words properly.

I learnt how to create: Permission slips:

  • Using tables to format pictures and information
  • Use legal pictures from "explore" or pictures I take on my own device.
  • Saving it as pdf doc to see what it would look if it were printed, instead of hitting the print button and potentially wasting paper.
When we have pe trips in the near future, I will be confident in creating a permission slips and sharing it with people in my department.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Inquiry 2018

Teaching as inquiry-Learn
Achievement Challenge
Raise year 10 boys literacy student achievement
  • Improve understanding & critical thinking.
  • Template (visual aid) compare results from last years results.
    10RTE (Twice a week) OR 10RMCN (Once a week)

Inquiry 2018
What strategies am I using to raise year 10 literacy in PE?

Gather Evidence
  • Asltle & PAT's 
  • Y9's-L4 or stanine 5/achievement level  (nzc)
  • Y10's-L5 or stanine 5 (nzc)
Student voices/opinions

  • Implement strategy
  • Teaching strategy-Repetition
  • Definitions/Acronyms
  • Assessment questions

Identify trends
  • Lift in boys literacy or decrease?
When students are given the confidence to write they will be more engaged.

  • Teaching strategies
  • Solo taxonomy
  • Effective Pedagogy 

Monday, March 12, 2018

Professional learning for development-How to begin my inquiry?

“How can we come together and integrate our expertise and our knowledge to address significant problems?”
Collaborative Inquiry 13/3/2018
Not just passing each other but taking a general interest in the inquiry
Knowing, taking a deeper interest in colleagues inquiries & student achievement

What it's not
Superficial collaboration
“How can we come together and integrate our expertise and our knowledge to address significant problems?”

Teaching as inquiry "Core purpose - a process of reflection and action to improve learner outcomes"

Inquiring into our practice looks at:

  • Student acceleration
  • Achievement 
  • Enjoyment
  • Engagement 
  • Well being
  • Confidence

Collaborative Effort-Something we do everyday how our teaching impacts students, what can we do better?
Has an impact on student achievement
What are you going to do to help with student achievement

How can I improve my teaching for students?-pedagogy/Survey or verbal conversations with students.
Reflections from lessons/Unit planning impact on students
How can I create stronger bonds with students and students create stronger bonds with each other?-Culture of the class.

Inquiry 2018 [Blog Post setup]